9th & 11th grade Counselor
719-784-6414 ext. 2760
If you are interested in doing an Internship, please see Mrs. Gay for more info.
Juniors and Seniors, We want to inform you of an amazing opportunity for the 2020 - 2021 school year.
Through the Professional and Internship Community Experience (PaICE), you may earn up to 1.5 credits per semester and not more than 3 credits during a school year through paid employment (work study), internships or volunteer work. Students must obtain permission from the school counselor or principle prior to enrollment.
Please note, PaICE does require spending part of your 2020-2021 school days, Fridays or after school at the job site to work closely with professionals in a student's chosen career field of interest. Students will learn the functions of a real-world occupation, to see if it is something the student would continue to pursue after high school.
If you are interested in learning more about PaICE, please complete the application and contact the counseling office. Be sure to act now, don't wait and miss this amazing opportunity.
December 3, 2024 6pm-7:00pm
Florence jr/sr high school library
This is to give parents/guardians and their students information and assistance when applying for college financial aid with the required free application for federal student aid (fafsa) form for colleges, community colleges, and many trade schools in prpearation for student transition to college next year.
What to bring:
Laptop (student chrombook)
2 most recent previous tax filings
Student social security number
For more info:
Fjshs counseling dept