About Florence Jr./Sr. High School

Our Mission at FJSHS is to prepare all Huskies in the tradition of excellence by preparing students to pursue the pathway of their choice with the skills and competencies of the Husky Graduate Profile.
Florence High School is committed to preparing 100% of our students to a successful understanding of their PATHWAY after graduation.
We believe...
...in the worth of each individual;
...all students can learn and achieve;
...in recognizing and meeting the needs of the individual student;
...education is a responsibility shared by the student, home, school, and community;
...striving for excellence is worth the investment;
...high expectations are necessary to achieve excellence;
...in challenging all students to do their best;
...education is essential for a democratic society;
...education is a valuable asset;
...education must be relevant to the real world;
...change creates the opportunity to improve;
...a quality school system enhances the quality of the community; and
...learning is a life-long process.
Come to class on time, prepared, and ready to work.
Have all necessary materials. Be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings. Be responsible for having all work completed.
Make appropriate decisions.
Respect yourself, others, the school and your community. Think before you act — then act and don't react! Be responsible and accept the consequences of all your actions — both good and bad. Have a positive mental attitude.
Encourage, support and honor your classmates.
Bring enthusiasm of learning to your classes. Know you get out of life what you put into it — so make it good.
Be an active learner.
Be prepared and participate every day. Ask for and seek a higher level of thinking and relevance — don't accept mediocrity. Learn to love learning — knowing it is a life-long skill.
Look to the future — ask yourself.
Do I have a plan for my life? Am I ready for the 21st century? Remember - no one can take your education away from you!